Say No to the Coney Island Casino

A billionaire developer wants to replace…

The Coney Island you love


Casino Island

A billionaire developer is trying to replace Coney Island with a massive casino, hotel, and convention center that would cast shadows over the amusement area. The Casino would remove almost half the rides and put the others at risk of disappearing. Soon the only rides left could be the Wonder Wheel and the Cyclone. Everything else could be gone.

The future of Coney Island USA, the non-profit arts organization that sponsors the Mermaid Parade could be put at risk, and the Mermaid Parade, one of New York’s most iconic and beloved events could be gone forever!

But you can stop this.
You can save Coney Island!

Call to Save Coney Island

These are the 6 politicians who will decide if Coney Island is replaced with Casino Island

Call or write them and tell them NO. No Casino in Coney Island!

Antonio Reynoso
Brooklyn Borough President

718 802-3700

Here is a sample letter

Justin Brannan
Councilman for the Coney Island district

718 748-5200

(He is also running for NYC Comptroller)

Jessica Scarcella-Spanton
NY State Senator

718 484-3216

Alec Brook-Krasny
NY Assembly Member

718 266-0267

Assemblyman Brook-Krasny has announced he is against the casino. Please thank him for his opposition to the casino, and his support for the Coney Island community

Eric Adams
NYC Mayor


Contact the Mayor

Kathy Hochul
NY Governor

518 474-8390

Send a Message to the Governor

These six politicians will decide if the Casino gets built in Coney Island. They will each appoint one member of the board that decides on the Casino. Call or write each of them to say you are against the Casino in Coney Island and will not vote for any politician who does not vote against the Casino. Leave a voicemail if there is no answer.

This is a suggested sample of what you could say when you call each politician... or just tell them how you feel.

My name is _____________. I am calling to let (name of politician you are calling) know that I am strongly opposed to the building of a Casino in Coney Island. A Casino would destroy the very reason people come to Coney Island. 40 and 20 story tall Casino buildings that cast shadows over the amusement area should not be allowed to be built in Coney Island. Please know that I will not vote for any politician who is not against the construction of a Casino in Coney Island.
Thank you.

Downloadable Images

Artists L to R: Spencer Alexander, Little Brooklyn, Jennie Jones, Eliza Rinn

Select the image you want, it’ll open in a new tab, right click it, then select “save image as” to save it to your computer.

If you were unable to attend City Planning's public hearing on March 19th you still have a chance to make your voice heard!

The City Planning Committee needs to hear from you!
Please help stop the Coney Island casino by sending your concerns to

Tell them about traffic concerns, emergency access problems, or preserving Coney's character. Even a short message helps.
Deadline approaching, March 31st, 5pm!
Please share with others who care about our neighborhood.

Below are 25 examples to get you inspired!

  1. "I've lived in Coney Island for 30 years and I can barely get home on summer weekends as it is. A casino would make it impossible to drive anywhere, and I worry an ambulance couldn't reach us if my husband had another heart attack."

  2. "My kids walk to school on West 12th Street every day. With all the casino traffic and narrower sidewalks, I'm terrified they'll get hurt just trying to cross the street."

  3. "Coney Island is where I take my grandchildren to ride the Wonder Wheel and walk on the boardwalk. A casino would ruin this special place for families like ours."

  4. "During Sandy, the water came right up to our second floor. Building a huge casino wall will just push more floodwater into our homes when the next storm hits."

  5. "I don't have a car and depend on the B36 bus to get to work. The bus already gets stuck in summer traffic, and a casino would make it impossible for me to get to work on time."

  6. "We don't have enough police and firefighters as it is. How will they even get through the traffic to help us when there's an emergency?"

  7. "My daughter loves the beach and rides at Luna Park. If they build a casino, she'll be walking past drunk gamblers and breathing car fumes instead of ocean air."

  8. "I struggle to find parking near my apartment already. With a casino bringing thousands more cars, where are we supposed to park after work?"

  9. "Our family has gone to Nathan's and the beach for three generations. The casino will block our view of the ocean and turn our neighborhood into Atlantic City."

  10. "My son has asthma, and the construction dust and extra car pollution would make it worse. We can't afford to move, so where are we supposed to go?"

  11. "I've worked at a boardwalk shop for 15 years, and the casino would keep visitors inside gambling instead of supporting small businesses like ours. My family depends on this income."

  12. "The casino people keep promising jobs, but I've seen what happened in Atlantic City. The casino jobs are low-paying and the rest of the city is still poor."

  13. "We already have to leave two hours early just to make it to my daughter's doctor appointments in Manhattan. The casino traffic would make it impossible to get anywhere."

  14. "Our school buses already get stuck in traffic, making our kids late for school. Adding thousands of casino cars would mean my children miss even more class time."

  15. "Every year during the Mermaid Parade, we can't even get out of our driveway. Imagine that kind of traffic every single day because of a casino."

  16. "My elderly mother needs ambulette service to get to her medical appointments. With a casino clogging the streets, how will her drivers even reach our building?"

  17. "During Sandy, we were trapped for days because the streets were flooded. A casino would block emergency evacuation routes that we might need to save our lives."

  18. "I've lived here 40 years and the developer has promised us everything from hotels to water parks, and delivered nothing. Why should we believe them about jobs now?"

  19. "My kids love the open feeling of Coney Island with the sky and ocean views. A huge casino building would block the sun and make our neighborhood feel like a concrete prison."

  20. "The casino would bring problem gambling to our community where many of us are already struggling to make ends meet. We need good jobs and better schools, not slot machines."

  21. "I take my kids to the playground near where they want to build the casino. The extra traffic would make the air too dirty for them to play outside safely."

  22. "My teenagers go to the beach with their friends in summer, and I'm already worried about their safety. A casino would bring more crime and make me even more afraid to let them out."

  23. "We moved here for the affordable housing and beach access for our children. A casino would raise our rent and take away the family-friendly atmosphere we love."

  24. "Every Friday in summer, we bring our lawn chairs to watch the fireworks on the beach. The casino would block our view and probably end those community traditions we cherish."

  25. "Our family walks to the boardwalk every weekend, but closing those streets for the casino would cut off our easy access to the beach. They're taking away streets that belong to all of us, not just rich developers.”

Save the Mermaid Parade Press Conference
February 15, 2025

Public Hearing for The Coney
March 10, 2025

Community Opposition to the Casino

Community Board 13 voted
AGAINST the casino

24 No
11 Yes
8 Abstain
3 Recused


How to fight a casino in Coney Island

The New York Groove- January 9, 2025