You Can’t Miss It!

Well, the cat is finally out of the bag! This incredible collective of artists has changed the face of our 107-year-old landmarked building on the corner of 12th St. and Surf Ave.

What has been months in the making is now, finally a reality. Come see why Coney Island USA is THE go to place for cool art in South Brooklyn!

Many thanks to the artists-

Lower Bannerline:
Spencer Alexander - Sideshows By The Seashore
Magie Serpica McGowan - Coney Island USA, Entertainment, History, Art

Upper Bannerline:
Snoeman - Enter the most unique spot in Coney Island and Embrace the unusual, step inside and visit the sideshow today
Erin Mathewson - Coney Island Museum
Almudena Caminero Fernández - Coney Island Circus Sideshow
Danielle Mastrion - Freak Bar
Keri Sheheen - Mermaid Parade
Jennie Jones - Burlesque at the Beach
Pat Redding Scanlon - Coney Island Circus Sideshow (Surf Ave. on show days)

And on the inside:
Donald David - This Way To The Sideshow (Museum stairwell)
Carlos Cordero - Freak Bar Gallery Show
Allan Piper - Coney Island USA video streaming in the Freak bar
Laure Leber - Cast photos
Eliza Rinn - Street Art Photography (Freak Bar bathroom)
Lisa Marie Pompilio - Flier and advertising design
David Byrd - Mermaid Ball poster

Photos by Norman Blake

Learn more about the artists here!

Take a peak behind the curtain…


Mermaid Parade 2024- Thank You!


Our 42nd Annual Mermaid Parade Poster, Designed by Magie Serpica (McGowan)!